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Global Warming could Strengthen Key African Easterly Waves
Pemanasan Global Dapat Memperkuat Gelombang Timur Afrika (AEW's)
Easterly waves that originate in Africa, which can eventually seed the growth of tropical storms and hurricanes could become stronger due to human-induced climate change, according to new research from Stanford University.
Global Warming could Strengthen Key African Easterly Waves
Pemanasan Global Dapat Memperkuat Gelombang Timur Afrika (AEW's)
Easterly waves that originate in Africa, which can eventually seed the growth of tropical storms and hurricanes could become stronger due to human-induced climate change, according to new research from Stanford University.
Gelombang timur yang timbul di Afrika, pada akhirnya
dapat menjadi pemicu badai tropis dan angin topan bisa menjadi lebih
kuat karena perubahan iklim yang disebabkan manusia - menurut penelitian baru dari
Universitas Stanford.
These waves travel east to west across the Atlantic during the
warm season.
Gelombang ini berjalan dari timur ke barat melintasi Atlantik
selama musim hangat
Noah Diffenbaugh, an associate professor of Environmental Earth
System Science and Christopher Skinner, a graduate student wanted to find out
how a warming atmosphere might affect the strength and track of these African
easterly waves or AEW's.
Noah Diffenbaugh, seorang profesor Sistem Lingkungan Ilmu Bumi
dan Christopher Skinner, seorang mahasiswa pascasarjana meneliti bagaimana
pemanasan udara mampu mempengaruhi kekuatan dan pergerakan gelombang timur
Afrika atau AEW's.
The researchers analyzed simulations from 17 computer models
and focused on the simulations of AEW's during the 1980-2005 period and those of
AEW's during the future when the atmospheric CO2 concentration is projected to
be two times greater than it is today.
Para peneliti menganalisis simulasi dari 17 model komputer dan difokuskan pada simulasi AEW’s selama periode 1980-2005 dan pada masa yang akan datang konsentrasi CO2 di atmosfer diperkirakan dua kali lebih
besar dari saat ini.
Nearly all of the simulations showed that the winds associated
with AEW's would grow stronger by the late 21st century, assuming the current
rate of increase of global CO2 emissions.
Hampir semua simulasi menunjukkan bahwa angin terkait dengan
AEW itu akan tumbuh lebih kuat pada akhir abad ke-21, dengan asumsi peningkatan emisi
CO2 global dari.yang terjadi saat ini.
Key excerpts from the Stanford University New
Kutipan laporan baru dari Stanford University...
"The temperature difference between the desert and the
region farther south actually becomes larger than it is today," Skinner said.
"Because the strength of the African easterly waves is influenced by the
temperature difference between these two regions, we would expect the energy of
the AEWs to become larger, and that's what the simulations show."
"Perbedaan suhu antara gurun dan daerah yang jauh ke selatan
benar-benar menjadi lebih besar dari saat ini," kata Skinner. "Karena kekuatan
gelombang timur Afrika (AEW) dipengaruhi oleh perbedaan suhu antara dua wilayah tersebut,
kita berharap energi AEWs menjadi lebih besar, dan itulah yang ditampakkan
pada simulasi."
A strengthening of waves in this region could also mean more
uplift and transport of dust out of Africa and across the Atlantic. In the
current climate, these dust plumes deliver life-sustaining nutrients to the
ocean but also can affect rainfall and air quality as far away as the
Penguatan ombak di wilayah ini juga bisa berarti lebih banyak
mengangkat dan menghantar debu dari Afrika dan melintasi Atlantik. Dalam iklim
saat ini, bulu debu ini memberikan nutrisi yang menopang kehidupan laut tetapi
juga dapat mempengaruhi kualitas curah hujan dan udara sejauh Karibia.
African dust spreading out into the Atlantic. Courtesy of NOAA
Debu Afrika menyebar ke Atlantik. Courtesy of NOAA
African dust spreading out into the Atlantic. Courtesy of NOAA
Debu Afrika menyebar ke Atlantik. Courtesy of NOAA
The authors also note that stronger AEWs could influence
hurricanes that form in the Atlantic. The African easterly waves themselves
don't become hurricanes, but a wave can create a protective environment in which
significant rainfall and vertical wind motion can develop. "This convection can
serve as the seed for a hurricane," Skinner said.
Para penulis juga mencatat bahwa AEWs yang kuat dapat mempengaruhi badai yang terbentuk di Samudra Atlantik. Gelombang timur Afrika sendiri tidak menjadi badai, tapi gelombang dapat menciptakan lingkungan pelindung di mana curah hujan yang signifikan dan gerakan angin vertikal dapat berkembang. "Konveksi ini dapat berfungsi sebagai benih untuk badai," kata Skinner.
The study was published in the Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences.
Studi ini diterbitkan dalam Prosiding National Academy of Sciences.
Studi ini diterbitkan dalam Prosiding National Academy of Sciences.
Non Katagori
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